Highlight in Vienna

November 9 and 13, 2013


Standing Ovation

after recent performance as Brünnhilde in "Siegfried" and "Götterdämmerung"

Wiener Staatsoper

Linda Watson sang Brünnhilde in "Siegfried" and "Götterdämmerung" at the Vienna State Opera. The conductor was Christian Thielemann. Audiance and reviews were extremely enthusiastic.

Part of a review right after "Götterdämmerung":

Standing Ovations for a combination of Wagner performance wich might be solitaire nowadays. The audience enthusiasticly celebrated all protagonists of the evening. After 20 minutes it felt into rhythm applause wich is not common with the viennese audience. It was an absolute milestone and THE highlight of the saison!

...the last act of Götterdämmerung topped everything I've ever heart before in this opera house.

Linda Watson's final scene was very touchy and performed exceptionally.

Linda Watson and Stepehn Gould (Siegfried) were asked to show themselves in front of the curtain serveral times by never ending "Bravi".

For me the winners of this Ring Cycle were Albert Dohmen (Wotan), who became better and better each night and finally were accepted by the vienese audiance. Linda Watson and Ileana Tonca and Zoryana Kusphler.

This particluar Ring Cycle will be the reference for all future conductors. Everybody who was there will keep that special event in mind forever.

 Kurt Vlach, Der Neue Merker, 14.9.2011